
Learning to Live the “New Normal”

COVID-19 has certainly turned our world upside down. In many respects we have been able to look at new ways of doing things. We’ve seen that it is perfectly fine to perform certain functions of a job (or maybe all functions of a job) at home. We’ve learned that our normal ways of communicating with [...]

New Online Interface is Live!

Check out our new online web interface function that is now available for managing your on-call schedule, reviewing messages in real time, and listening to your inbound calls.  If you are interested in accessing these services email us at [email protected] or call us at 888.606.6211.

Our Mobile App is Available

Launch of Mobile App Funeral Connections Answering Service is pleased to announce the availability of the Spectrum Secure Delivery Mobile App. Our app allows you to access your messages securely and efficiently on your smartphone and tablet devices. In addition, it provides a way to communicate securely with your associates who are also running [...]

Our website is Launched!

Funeral Connections Answering Service is happy to announce that our new website is up and running. Please be sure to look around and see what we have to offer.

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